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Self-Love and Self Care

Studies suggest that 85% of the world's population suffers from low self-esteem. Psychological research has widely explored the consequences of having a poor self-image. Those with negative self-esteem are more likely to suffer from substance abuse, anxiety, and depression and are less likely to form healthy relationships and succeed at school and work. Fortunately, it is possible to improve your self-esteem through self-love supported by self-care. Read on to learn more about what these terms mean and how you can begin to practice them to benefit your mental health.

What Is Self-Love?

Self-love means caring about yourself like a family member or close friend. If you have self-love, you are willing to accept your flaws and are gentle with yourself when you fall short or fail. People with a high degree of self-love tend to have high self-esteem because they recognize their value.

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care describes actions that you take to be kind to yourself. The term can refer to treating yourself to something special, but it isn't about rewards. Sometimes, not doing something is an act of self-care. Forgiving yourself and celebrating your successes are also ways to care for yourself.

How Does Self Care Help You Practice Self Love?

For many people, self-love does not come naturally. Traumas from childhood and setbacks in adulthood can make you your own worst critic and give you a negative view of yourself. Fortunately, it is possible to cultivate self-love through self-care. When you consistently practice self-care, you message yourself that you are worth it. Just as the kindness you pay others shows that you care, being kind to yourself positively impacts your psyche. Continuous self-care can gradually raise your self-esteem and develop your sense of self-love.

Self-Care Tips

To begin practicing self-care to foster self-love, follow these tips:

Remember Beauty Comes From Within

In our highly image-conscious society, insecurities about physical appearance can rob you of self-esteem and interfere with self-love. One of the most powerful ways to care for yourself is redirecting your criticisms about your physical flaws. Whenever that negative voice in your head says something about how you look, remind yourself that natural beauty comes from within. Point out one positive characteristic that you have that doesn't involve physical appearance and acknowledge that it’s possible for you to love something about yourself.

Adopt a Daily Skin Care Ritual

A daily skincare ritual does more than improve health. Skincare products are genuinely self-care products. Most skincare regimens involve completing multiple steps, so your daily routine is when you focus only on doing something good for yourself. The pampering experience of cleansing, toning, treating, and moisturizing allows you to take a break from your daily routine. Plus, when you see positive results in the texture and appearance of your skin, you'll gain satisfaction and can feel good about doing something just for you.

Support Beauty and Health with a Supplement for Skin Care

Skin elasticity supplements provide another option for those looking to discover how to improve skin health. Taking collagen supplements for your skin can help to support the natural protein network that makes the skin firm and resilient. Studies show that a collagen supplement for skincare may diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, collagen is vital to healthy bones and joints, so taking it daily may lead to other health benefits. Set aside a special time to take your supplement for self-care bonus points. Sit somewhere quiet or put on music that you love. Gaze at a pleasant view or close your eyes and get in touch with yourself.

Set Boundaries with Others

Self-protection is a form of self-care. Establishing boundaries with other people is essential to your mental well-being. Remember that it's okay to limit contact with negative people who are toxic or drag you down. You're also free to say no when people ask you to do things. Always saying yes can lead to overburdening yourself, which can, in turn, cause stress and anxiety.

Limit Your Screen Time

Many studies have shown that social media can negatively impact self-esteem due to our tendency to compare ourselves to others. When people make posts, they often highlight the best aspects of their lives and appearances. This can give the illusion that everyone else is more successful, attractive, and happier than you. When you're scrolling your feed, be aware of your emotions. If the posts you see trigger negative self-talk, log out for the day and invest your time and energy in a hobby or activity you enjoy.