Give your matcha latte a boost with the calming power of lavender and collagen + elastin!
Matcha contains high amounts of l-theanine, an amino acid that helps calm the body and balance the stimulating effects of the natural caffeine in green tea leaves. Lavender flowers have a beautiful aroma and relaxing properties, making this latte an even more nourishing and delicious.
Body kitchen Collagen + Elastin contains vitamin C, collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to increase the skin’s hydration, firmness, and elasticity. It’s easy to add to any hot or cold beverage, including this matcha latte. For an additional 10 grams of protein in your lavender latte, add a scoop of Body Kitchen Youthful Beauty Advanced as well.
½ teaspoon
lavender flowers (or 1 lavender teabag)
½ cup water,
¾ cup cashew
milk (or milk of choice; thicker milk will work better)
Pour the boiling water over the lavender flowers and steep for 8 minutes.
Meanwhile, gently heat the cashew milk on the stove (without boiling.)
Strain the lavender flowers from the tea and pour into your favorite large mug.
Add the matcha powder and collagen + elastin and whisk until dissolved and well combined.
Pour in the warm cashew milk and stir in the honey. For a frothy beverage, use a frother or pour the whole drink into a blender and blend until frothy. Enjoy!